Retail Unwrapped - from The Robin Report

Walmart and Amazon Quit Healthcare

May 10, 2024 Robin Lewis and Shelley E. Kohan

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If Walmart, Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JP Morgan Chase can’t figure out how to make healthcare work, then there is something seriously wrong with today’s U.S. retail healthcare model. 

In 2018 Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan Chase announced a joint venture into healthcare called Haven. Three years into the venture, they walked away. Now Walmart is closing its clinics and telehealth services because it’s just not a sustainable business model. Join Robin and Shelley as they reveal why retail healthcare isn’t panning out for the big brands. The complex system of reimbursements among providers, insurance companies, and the government makes healthcare difficult to scale and unprofitable for nontraditional players. This is a big story.  Listen and learn!

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